Suzanne Atkinson


Did you know more than 20 people die every day waiting for organs and according to the American Transplant Foundation, a name is added to …

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Advance directives are documents that give instructions about your health care and can also be used to appoint someone to make medical treatment decisions for …

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Jon Underwood and Sue Barsky Reid held the first Death Café in East London in September 2011.  Since then, there have been 1066 events around the world …

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One of the chapters in the MyFinalChecklist binder is about what you want to leave behind for your loved ones and Open When Letters are a perfect …

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A hospital stay is usually stressful because we are worried about the diagnosis that brought us there in the first place. Now we need to …

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Most of us dread going to the hospital and maybe even worry more about being away from home and/or loss of dignity than the actual …

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Hospital visits are only rarely for fun events (like new babies) and they tend to be a combo pack of all of our worst fears …

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According to Wikipedia, one in ten US households has a storage unit and we own the vast majority of the 58,000 facilities in the world. Australia …

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Suzanne: Hi Liz, thanks for meeting me today! For those who don’t know what a Professional Organizer does, can you tell us a little about …

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